Pilates training to help motivate & inspire you to get moving!

I’m your cheerleader & accountability partner guiding you in your movement journey.

What will Pilates with Michiko do for you?

You will be motivated and encouraged to move and improve your strength, coordination & balance through creative workouts that are just right for you.

You will find a positive, fun, and energetic environment while getting individual attention to any injuries or conditions you may have.

You’ll continue to develop and progress your movement skills with ideas for routines to continue your personal home training.

Who I help:

  • Desk warriors that seek more movement than when they finally stand up to walk to the bathroom as their smartwatch throws confetti 🎉
  • People who are so allergic to the outdoors that they don’t enjoy going for a walk, bike ride, etc. and would rather move their bodies indoors. 
  • Work from home moms who just need a little “me time” to feel their bodies move.
  • People who have old knee (or any other) injuries find ways to move that feel good. 

To learn more, see additional resources at https://www.pilates.com/pilates

I feel less loose in my kaboose!

Andrea S.

I just had my first lesson with Michiko, she makes it so fun! I love how passionate and excited she is about Pilates!! My alignment’s already so much better and has stayed better throughout the week. Even though I’ve been doing yoga for over a decade, having Michiko there to make adjustments to my form just gave me a whole new awareness of my posture, and I’m staying mindful of it throughout each day. I got to use muscles I’m not used to using; I would recommend this for everyone!

Kate E. Calderara