March MATness Pilates Moves 20th-26th!

This week’s recap of Pilates movements from Joseph H. Pilates RETURN TO LIFE book in the original order includes:

  • March 20th – The Side Kick – Strengthen your hips, lateral torso and develop stability in a side-lying position.
  • March 21st – The Teaser – Strengthen your core, hip flexors, inner thighs, quads and develop coordination & balance while challenging your control of torso & legs. The elbows down and hands down variations improve scapular stability.
  • March 22nd – The Hip Twist – Same benefits as above with added rotation.
  • March 23rd – Swimming –  *****Superstar for low bone density*****Strengthen your back & hip extensors.
  • March 24th – The Leg Pull Front & Back – Your entire body is working in this one!
  • March 25th – The Side Kick Kneeling – Strengthen your hips & shoulders while improving balance.
  • March 26th – The Side Bend – Strengthen your side body, shoulder girdle and improve your core control, balance & coordination.

Props I use:

  • Folded-up bath towel to pad my pelvis and ribs
  • Yoga block

Optional props:

  • Foam roller
  • Push-up handles or hexagonal metal weights

All of the exercises are taught with low bone density in mind and are modified for safety. It’s really important to include back strengthening exercises if you have osteopenia or osteoporosis and The Swimming is a great exercise for those with low bone density. They are also great for those looking to improve back-body strength.

Explore below and let me know which one is your favorite down in the comments!

Remember to go back to the previous posts to see the exercise tutorials from the beginning which is key to building up or warming up the body for the following exercises in the Mat Pilates sequence.

March 20th – The Side Kick: 6-10 reps

I like to use the back of my mat as a guide to line up my body. Shoulders are stacked, hips are stacked and feet are stacked. I’ve got a tendency to take my head forward, but I really want the neck long and throat back to keep the alignment. I try to keep the pelvis still and just the working leg moving. 


  • laying your arm down & placing your head on top. You can use a pillow especially for those who have neck, shoulder, wrist or elbow issues.
  • Prop head up on hand with the elbow on the mat, the other hand goes on the mat in front for balance
  • Both hands behind head, just balancing on the elbow
  • On the elbow in lateral flexion
  • Greater bone-building option up on elbow in a side plank


  • The bottom leg can bend into 90 degrees to create a kickstand and more balance support
  • Bottom leg towards the front edge of the mat with toes tucked under to create more support
  • Some people have pain or discomfort lying on their side because of the bony greater trochanter, an option would be to pad around it making a donut to see if it can relieve the discomfort or you can just take it up into a hoover and challenge yourself! 

MOVEMENT: Reach your leg, keeping it the same height as you kick on an inhale (sniffing breath), and exhale to take the leg back.

Repeat on the other side, can stretch the hip as a transition.

This exercise strengthens all around the hips, side body and helps to develop stability in a side-lying position. The hips are important to strengthen for those with low bone density as it’s a common fracture site.  

March 21st – The Teaser: 3-6 reps

We just finished up The Side Kick, I’ll show 3 different variations of a low bone density safe Teaser.

SETUP 1 – Down on elbows

The spine position is important, think of lifting up vs dumping down and find a neutral pelvis position. For me, I’ve got to take my pubic bone forward a bit.

  • Float one leg up to a tabletop position and hold.
  • Float the other leg up to a tabletop position to meet the first leg.
  • Try to straighten out one leg at a time.
  • Add on lowering the leg after you straighten.
  • Try both legs extended, lower, and lift.
  • Try to get one hand up and the other. I had to bend my knees to get that to happen in my body.

SETUP 2- Up on hands to support

Try all the progressions from above.

SETUP 3-Using the hands behind the thighs, hinge back slightly and curl just the tail keeping neutral in the pelvis still.

Play around with all the progressions to see where you can get while lifting through the spine and staying in a neutral pelvis position.

If you have low back/SI joint issues or hip flexor strains: Use caution, listen to your body, and if anything is aggravated avoid it to stay safe.

March 22nd – The Hip Twist: 3-6 reps

After The Teaser, is The Hip Twist. I call them hip circles.

SETUP 1: The same beginning version of The Teaser down on the elbows is where I begin. I play around with my pelvis to find my neutral, curl the tail just a bit to feel that connection. 

MOVEMENT: Take one leg into a tabletop position and the other leg up to meet the first. Take both legs to the side on an inhale and back to center on an exhale. To progress, try to extend one leg up as you are to the side and see how that feels. Progressing more is to extend both legs to straight and take the legs side to side. You can then go into circles with the range that feels comfortable to you keeping the pelvis neutral.

SETUP 2: The next position I show is up on my hands. I’ve got to organize my shoulder blades, get my neck long and find my pelvis placement in this position.  

Try the same progressions as above.

If you have low back/SI joint issues or hip flexor strains: Use caution, listen to your body, and if anything is aggravated avoid it to stay safe.

March 23rd – Swimming 15-25 sets

I use a folded-up bath towel to pad my pelvis and ribs.

I start with my forehead on my stacked hands and reach one leg out and alternate to the other leg. I progress to goal post arms and hoover up my head off the mat. Lift one arm and the opposite leg.

I then come up with a thoracic extension and show different arm placements, the overhead being the hardest. 

If you have back issues, be sure you can tolerate back extension or avoid.

If you have shoulder injuries: lift the legs only.

March 24th – The Leg Pull Front & Back 4-6 sets  

These two exercises are essentially a front plank and a back plank. 

The Leg Pull Front:

SETUP 1: When you come out of Swimming you can take a rest pose and then come into all fours. From the all-fours position, you can take one leg to pulse it up twice.

SETUP 2: Step back into a full plank, kick one leg up as the standing foot flexes to move the body back and forth.

My apologies, I call it the control front which is the Reformer version, whoops! Then I call The Leg Pull Back the control back! LOL! I teach this same exercise on the Reformer every week and much less on the mat so my mind isn’t getting the 2 separate names.

The Leg Pull Back:

The back variation is great because you get a good chest opening. I show the feet down version in a back plank to start. The head position is important to keep it comfortable vs letting it hang back.

I show with the legs straight out, where you can use a foam roller under the ankles. I prefer my hand position to be out to the side vs fingers pointing to my bottom. It takes me some organizing of my shoulder girdle to feel set enough to hoover up into the plank. 

If you have wrist issues, use push-up handles, hexagonal metal hand weights, or come down onto forearms or place forearms on a raised surface like a sitting box or yoga block.

If you have neck or shoulder issues, the back variation may need to be modified or avoided.

March 25th – The Side Kick Kneeling 6-8 sets

I use a yoga block that helps elevate your hand in case your hips are really tight. Option for a knee pad if pressure on the knees is uncomfortable.

If you have hip, neck, shoulder or wrist issues, you may need to modify or avoid.

SETUP: Lengthen up through the spine and take the arms out to the side Tip-over to one side to bring the hand onto the mat. Or place the yoga block where your hand will land. Try to stack your hip right over your knee to feel a stretch,

MOVEMENT: You can play with going side to side first. Once you are in the position, the top leg kicks forward and back. I have to focus a lot on my hip getting open enough to be right above my knee, my head being back in line with my spine and my ribs staying connected.

I’m so thankful to see my progress in this exercise. When I first started I could barely find the start position I was so locked up and tight in my hips.

6-8 sets

March 26th – The Side Bend 4-6 sets 

I start with a side lift, a variation of side bend with the elbow down. You can use a pillow or towel if your elbow is sensitive.

SETUP 1: Both legs bent – I stack everything up, hips stacked, shoulders stacked, and think about my spine alignment with my head in line. You can have your top hand down for extra support and if stacking the feet feels uncomfortable you can stagger them.

MOVEMENT: Hoover pelvis

SETUP 2: Bend bottom knee & take arm overhead – you want the underside of your ribs lifting up to support your shoulder joint. I like to have a little external rotation in the upper arm to help.

MOVEMENT: Lift up and take the top arm overhead to lengthen out.

SETUP 3: Staggered stance – both legs are straightened out and the feet are staggered to give a better base of support. Keep spinal alignment in mind, use breath to connect ribs in.

MOVEMENT: Lift both hips up & down, add on the top arm to the ceiling

SETUP 4: Stacked feet – try to add on leg lifts Find the axial elongation and notice if there is a difference between sides to see if there are any imbalances.

I’m thankful to have found an amazing neighbor @sheshopetx that has made my custom Pilates tank top! She’s put together several different Pilates-inspired designs to check out!

4-6 sets

We are in the home stretch with only 5 days left in March for the last 5 movements to complete March MATness.

Sneak peek of the last exercise tutorials:

March 27th: The Boomerang – It’s a combo move with movements learned earlier in the Mat sequencing

March 28th: The Seal & Crab – These are tricky to convert to safe low bone density exercises

March 29th: The Rocking – I show the modifications and it’ll be a fantastic stretch

March 30th: The Control Balance – Another combo move

March 31st: The Push Up – Wow, you’ll be glad you made it through!

I’m so excited to get all of these tutorials in a YouTube playlist to see it all together and so you can enjoy it!

March MATness Pilates Moves 13-19th!

This week’s recap of Pilates movements from Joseph H. Pilates RETURN TO LIFE book in the original order includes:

  • March 13th: The One Leg Kick – *****Superstar for low bone density***** Strengthen your back extensors, serratus anterior, hamstrings & glutes while stretching your quads and improving your scapular stability, axial elongation & abdominal support in extension
  • March 14th: The Double Kick – Same as above just swap out the serratus anterior/scapula stability work for a lovely chest & shoulder stretch
  • March 15th: The Neck Pull – Increase your abdominal strength
  • March 16th: The Scissors & Bicycle – Increase your core control while stretching your hamstrings & hip flexors
  • March 17th: The Shoulder Bridge – Strengthen your hamstrings, gluteals & erector spinae
  • March 18th: The Spine Twist – Increase your spinal rotation safely
  • March 19th: The Jack Knife – Learn how to stabilize your shoulders as you develop core strength & control.

Props I use:

  • Towel under pelvis & ribs (try a small pillow)
  • Yardstick tied around my waist with a resistance band (use a dowel or scarf to tie)
  • Foam roller for under the hips (use a small ball or rolled-up towel)

All of the exercises are taught with low bone density in mind and are modified for safety. It’s really important to include back strengthening exercises if you have osteopenia or osteoporosis and The One Leg Kick & The Double Kick are perfect for you! They are also great for those looking to improve those posture muscles.

Explore below and let me know which one is your favorite down in the comments!

Remember to go back to the previous posts to see the exercise tutorials from the beginning which is key to building up or warming up the body for the following exercises in the Mat Pilates sequence.

We are more than halfway done with March! Next week’s post will be exploring The Side Kick, The Teaser, The Hip Twist, Swimming, The Leg Pull Front & Back, and The Side Bend! It just gets more challenging! I love Pilates!

March 13 – The One Leg Kick: 6-10 sets

Coming out of The Swan where I show a preparatory exercise with the forehead on your stacked hands, this same setup is a good place to begin in The One Leg Kick. This version may decrease the discomfort for those who get really tight in the low back or are prone to neck & shoulder stress. 

SETUP: I like to lengthen my legs out and find my pubic bone and hips. I use my breath to hollow my belly up off of the mat.

If you have knee issues, stretching the quads first is best. 

If you have low back issues, try pressing your pubic bone into the mat to help take pressure off the back or stay with the head down version.

MOVEMENT: Take one leg, reach it and lengthen it out so far it floats up. 

Kick your heel into your butt twice to fire up the hamstrings and then lengthen the leg out again to set it down.

Repeat on the other leg.

FULL EXERCISE: The sphinx position upon the elbows really works to improve low bone density where we need it in the upper thoracic area, back extensors, and hoovering the pelvis up really gets into how to keep the alignment & elongation in the spine and use the abdominals to support in the position. 

I think about all the shoulder blade muscles coming down my back as my heart’s center is going forward. I like to pull the hands apart on the mat energetically to feel more width in the upper back and get an oppositional feeling. It’s very important to keep the low belly lifting here as you lift your pelvis off the mat just slightly. Low belly and ribs connecting and feeling the shaky feeling.  

I’m thankful for this position as an alternative to sitting when on the computer or reading with my kids. It’s a great alternative to open the hips and strengthen those posture muscles! 

March 14 – The Double Kick: 3-6 sets

TRANSITION: We just did our single leg kick, we’ll bring the head down and take the hands behind the back. If getting the hands on the small of your back isn’t happening with tight shoulders, just reach the hands down by your side towards your feet.

If you have low back or knee issues, see the previous exercise for tips.

MOVEMENT: Hoover up the head, lengthen the feet out away, and kick, as you lengthen the legs back out you come up in the torso. You’re in the swan thoracic extension position just with your hands behind you stretching your shoulders and chest open. You can turn your cheek to one side, then the other as you kick.

For low bone density, watch that the range of motion doesn’t get too extreme in the upper back extension. Think about a long rocking horse curve in the spine.

Benefits are similar to The One Leg Kick above. Strengthens the back body, stretches the shoulders, chest, and quads.

March 15 – The Neck Pull: 3-6 reps

TRANSITION: Coming out of The Double Kick, I’m using my yardstick and resistance band again. The Neck Pull is like in the roll-up (hinge back for low bone density) exercise but harder with your hands behind your head.

If you have neck or shoulder issues, try the Roll-up (hinge back) where your hands are not up behind your head.

SETUP: I want to feel the yardstick on my head, in between the shoulder blades and pelvis throughout the exercise.

MOVEMENT: I place my hands on the back of my head pressing into my head and my head pressing into my hands to find that oppositional feeling to help lengthen me up. I energize my heels away, connect into my inner thighs and hinge back. I’m still thinking about my shoulder blades gliding down my back. I play with hinging forward too. I only go to my challenge point where I feel shaky but I can keep control of the movement.

This will increase abdominal strength and work on posture.

March 16 – The Scissors & Bicycle: 4-6 reps

PROP: I’m using my foam roller for hip support. You could try a squishy ball or a rolled-up towel.

If you have low back issues or the prop doesn’t feel good for any reason try keeping the hips down moving the legs keeping the pelvis stable.

SETUP: Come down to your side and onto your back. Place the roller behind your thighs and hinge bridge up to get your hips on top. Make sure your pelvis feels supported here and keep off the lumbar vertebra. Collarbones are open wide, hand on the ends of the roller. I use my breath on an exhale to soften the ribs down.

MOVEMENT: One leg up to tabletop, then the other leg meets the first in a tabletop position. Extend both legs up to the ceiling, you can have a slight bend in the knees. Scissor one leg towards your head and the other one away keeping the pelvis still. Find the stretch of both the back of the leg and the opposite front of the hip.

For Bicycle, you drag your heel energetically towards your bottom and reach back into the scissor, then drag the other heel bicycling your legs alternating. You can reverse the direction.

To dismount, lift the hips into a bridge and roll the roller out from under you, then let the spine reconnect with the floor and settle.

It’s great to work on core control and stretch the hamstrings & hip flexors.

I’m thankful for my foam roller knowledge to open up and release tight areas especially since it’s been forever since I’ve had a proper massage. 

March 17 – The Shoulder Bridge: 3-4 sets

For low bone density, we take the hips into a low bridge vs the high bridge with the hands supporting underneath.

SETUP: Come into a bridge, feet sit bone distance apart, arms are planted into the mat, shoulder blades gliding down and softening the ribs.

MOVEMENT: I hinge bridge up to bring my spine into a long line from shoulder joints to the pelvis to knees reaching away. Collarbones fall open, stand down into the left foot to bring the right leg into a tabletop while keeping the hips level. Extend the leg up to the ceiling, flex your foot to kick down 3 times, and point up. Repeat on the other leg.

This works the whole back of the body, not just the hamstrings that I mention. The glutes help to keep the pelvis up & erector spinae are helping as well. Notice which side is harder, mine is the left.

I’m thankful for this exercise to help me gain more strength in my left side glute and hamstring that tend to be out to lunch!

March 18 – The Spine Twist: 4-8 sets

SETUP: Sitting up with knees bent and hands under thighs. Keep tall and lengthened up.

If you have low back discomfort, try sitting up on a rolled-up towel or even up on a chair to get your pelvis in a better position.

MOVEMENT: Gently rotate to one side but not the full range of motion. Come back to center, lengthening up tall, inhaling. Exhaling and spiraling, think about your belly button turning. Add on the hand across the opposite thigh to assist in the spiraling stretch upwards. Add on the arm going back behind with the palm down. Try the other side. Remember to not force the stretch and think 75% vs 100% range of motion.

I’m thankful for being able to find safe ways to get my rotation in! 

March 19 – The Jack Knife: 3-4 reps

Come down onto your side and roll onto your back. Jackknife is similar to the roll-over as it’s another inversion. The low bone density safe variation is to perform it the same as Rollover prep.

Modification, try with legs bent to start or use the resistance band around the arches of your feet to get a good stretch in the backs of the legs.

Arms are down by your sides, legs come up to the tabletop position, legs extend to the ceiling, Small roll of the pelvis, curling the tail up a bit. I add on a resistance band to hold with my hands to assist in getting my upper arm bones externally rotated.

I’m thankful for the resistance band tip from my teacher trainer!

If you missed last weeks post, keep scrolling and you’ll find the previous Mat Pilates movements in order from Joseph H. Pilates RETURN TO LIFE book.

  • March 6th: The One Leg Stretch – Strengthen your abdominals, develop pelvic stability & core control
  • March 7th: The Double Leg Stretch – Same benefits as above, just harder
  • March 8th: The Spine Stretch – Learn how to sit up tall with support and find your axial elongation
  • March 9th: Rocker with Open Legs – Improves scapular & pelvic stability, core control, coordination & balance
  • March 10th: The Corkscrew – Increase your core support, control, and scapular stability
  • March 11th: The Saw – Increase the mobility of your shoulder girdle and find a safe and gentle rotation
  • March 12th: The Swan-Dive – ***This one is a superstar for low bone density*** You will improve your back extension & scapular stability by strengthening your back extensors along with your hamstrings & gluteals

March MATness continues with more Mat Pilates exercises!

March 6 – The One Leg Stretch: 8-12 sets

I perform the head down variation which is safe for low bone density. I’ve got a small towel under my head, you could use a pillow or stack up more to feel comfortable. 

I add 5lb ankle weights to increase the load, but I’m not taking my legs down as far because I want to keep control in my pelvis. 

I’m thankful for how this past year my mat has helped me reconnect with amazing friends through zoom and meet new friends. 

March 7 – The Double Leg Stretch: 3-6 reps

The low bone safe version is head down. I use low back support to help give me feedback in this challenging exercise. I start with my hands behind my head with my elbows up as I take my legs straight up to the ceiling. I’m working on getting my legs to connect into my core before I move on. I then add on the longer lever of my arms extended out and play with lowering the legs a bit.

I’m thankful for my amazing friend/client Brooke for introducing me to Pilates and giving me little cues that helped her from her past teachers! Love the top hat visual! 

March 8 – The Spine Stretch: 4-8 reps

I use my yardstick with resistance bands again for this exercise. I have tight hips which makes this one super challenging for me.

I love that I’m training my core to sit up with support and keep my posture in check with the yardstick. 

March 9 – Rocker with Open Legs: 4-8 reps

I performed the balance portion of this exercise for low bone density and used the yardstick again! 

I’m thankful for the reminders from my teacher trainer. The last Mat class in person before the pandemic hit I remember being a hot mess trying to do this with all the other instructors doing it so beautifully. I would get so frustrated that I couldn’t get this one down and she would gently remind me that I have things going on in my hip from my past that I have to take into consideration. Work in progress. Be gentle and be kind. : )  

March 10 – The Corkscrew: 3-6 reps

I perform the modified corkscrew and show variations to progress. Think conservative 75% vs 100% with the legs going to the side for low bone density.

I’m thankful for my neighbor allowing me to upcycle his shirt and bring new energy to it. Bonus, it’s my favorite color baby blue!

March 11 – The Saw: 4-6 sets

This modification I learned from Sheri Betz. It feels awesome to get the upward spiraling feeling! 

I’m thankful for all the exercises I can still do even with low bone density! 

March 12 – The Swan-Dive: 3-6 reps

I perform the swan but leave out the dive for low bone density. 

I’m thankful for Nicole at Synergy Pilates for helping me work out the kinks in my form on this one! In the correct alignment, the full swan really gets the front of my body fired up to support the position. 

Try one movement a day this March to celebrate Pilates March MATness!

What is it? From it’s:

Celebrating Pilates around the world

Every year, Pilates lovers around the world join in a monthlong celebration of Pilates: one day at a time, one movement at a time. Hosted by 360° Pilates

March 1The Hundred: 10 sets (inhale for 5, exhale for 5)

I’m performing a head down variation that’s safe for low bone density.  

I’m working on building up my bones so I add 2lb ball weights & 5lb ankle weights to assist in my efforts!   

I’m thankful for this breathing exercise, especially in a pandemic.  

It’s a perfect way to work on deepening your breath to get oxygen to your body.

March 2The Roll Up: 3-6 reps

Low bone density safe version is hinge back keeping neutral.

I use a yardstick tied to my back with a resistance band to find and keep my alignment. 

I add on sitting upon a rolled-up towel to help get my pelvis in a better place.

I use another resistance band around my feet to help me stay connected and to add in a row for upper back strength.  

March 3 – The Roll Over: 3 each way

The rollover prep is all that is safe for low bone density. 

You can add the leg choreography. On the way up legs together, at top open legs shoulder-width to come down. Reverse it after 3. Legs stay open on the way up and close on the way down.

I’m thankful my last full rollover was teaching my long-time friend & now a client who originally told me about Pilates back in 2005. Where would I be without Pilates in my life????  

March 4 – The One Leg Circle: 4-8 circles each way

I show both the small and large circles. I start by using a resistance band and show a knee stir prep and another modification that I personally used for a long time. 

I talk about how I limit my range of motion going away from my body so I can protect my hip, which is one of the primary fracture sites when dealing with low bone density. I didn’t mention it but, a smaller range of motion and awareness would be good for those with hip replacements too. 

I’m thankful for how Pilates has allowed me to work through my old hip injury and I’m so surprised at how far I’ve come on that left side and getting more freedom of movement.   

March 5 – Rolling Back: 6-10 reps

All the rolling spinal exercises are a no-go for low bone density so I’m showing a balance modification keeping a neutral spine and allowing a slight curl of the tailbone. 

I also show a bridge curling from the tail to get the “rolling” motion.